France Hails Libyan Uprising's 'National Council'

France hailed Sunday the creation of a Libyan "National Council" by the leaders of the armed revolt against Moammer Gadhafi, and said it supported its objectives.
The council met on Saturday in the rebel-held city of Benghazi in eastern Libya, declaring itself the sole representative body for all of Libya, despite Gadhafi's continued control of the capital and much of the West.
In Paris, foreign ministry spokesman Bernard Valero said in a statement: "France hails the creation of the Libyan National Council and pledges support for the principles that motivate it and the goals it has set itself.
Paris welcomes "the will for unity that led to the creation of this council and urges its leaders and the movements within it to continue to pursue this course," he added.
In a statement, Valero said France condemns the use of force against Libyan civilians and "pays homage to the bravery of populations subjected to violence, in Zawiya and other Libyan localities."
Zawiya is a town a short distance outside Gadhafi's capital Tripoli that rose up against his rule and has come under attack by pro-regime forces.
The national council was set up by the rebel leaders, including former Libyan justice minister Mustafa Abdel Jalil, in Benghazi in a bid to organize the scattered uprisings against Gadhafi's rule across the country.